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Puff Daddy, the majestic Guinea Pig

I promised I would fill you in on my guinea pig…

Puff Daddy was my pet when I was a teenager. When you walked into my bedroom, he always made sure you were aware of his presence! "Woink, woink, woink, woink...." He would squeak over and over and over and over and over again until you TOUCHED HIM. Then he would shush. Puff Daddy had cowlicks all over his body, so his hair was a mess constantly! And OMG he LOVED to be brushed! But only if you brushed all of his licks the way they grew. Which was challenging, cause he was small and he had I think 9 cowlicks! He slept in a plastic tote at the head of my bed when I first got him until we were able to find him a proper cage. He would throw bedding into my bed to wake me up at night for attention. #EYEROLL

There was this cat toy that he absolutely adores, a plastic ball with a little bell in it and he would throw it around and toss it right out of his tote! He would "Woink, woink, woink, woink... WOINK, WOINK, woink, woink... WOINK, WOINK, WOINK, WOINK until he irritated me out of bed to retrieve it from the floor. The biggest thing that Puff Daddy taught me, was to keep after what I wanted until I got it! Buzz around and try all the things and work until you Achieve!

This is only one life lesson I’ve learned from a pet.

What about you? What important life lessons have you learned from pets? Send me a message HERE and tell me, I’m DYING to know!

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